Art produce 2005
(The Third Art Kaleidoscope“
Do art yourself”/Official Guide-Book) 12/5mon〜12/17sat 2005
■ Exhibition Portrait of Jitekijin
Venue: Osaka Contemporary Art Center (room “B”)
Artists: Shige Amano, Masaki
Tamura, Sosho Mochida, Tomoko Yamada, Haruki Yoshida, Kumiko Banno
The Uemachidaichi has been
synonymous with work and new businesses since olden times, and this is related
in a variety of ways to people’s jobs, residence, free time and academic
pursuits. In this event, we will introduce some people of ”jitekijin”-free
minded, sophisticated and independent person, who work at a job (anything that
enables a person to make a living) that they think suit them. The artists met
with and interviewed these people, and this inspired their work. The exhibition
links people and jobs with technology and art.
2/10Sat ■ Dialog
Recommending a Jitekijin Time: 13:00~14:30
Venue: Osaka Contemporary Art Center ( room “A”)
Panelists: Kimihide Atsumi (Assistant
professor at Osaka University Center for the Study of Communication-Design),
Kumiko Banno (Artist) and
Mitsuhiko Akita (Chief priest of Tairen Temple, Manager of Outein Teramachi
Employment concerns facing young people, and related issues like part-time,
have greatly affected the way people view jobs and occupations. What does
”work” mean to young people? What do they see as best for themselves? The
answers to these questions will also provide insight into the future of
our local society. With the keywords ”art and communication,” and ”community”
we will discuss a ”life of leisure ” from a variety of angles.
■Kumiko Banno- profile
Born in Ehime in 1955. Contemporary artist, Producer about traditional
performing arts, Director of Office-Bang, Ltd. Part-time instructor of
Osaka University of Arts.
■Interview to Kumiko Banno
Q: What interests you now?
A: Since 1995, I have been approaching the theme of dealing with the mind
and body. It was a time when I started to care for PTSD patients after the
Hanshin-Awaji earthquake, and now we hold study meetings on medical care with
clinicians, medical anthropologists, doctors of pharmacology, and advisory
specialists for consumer affairs. In this project we encountered some anxious
matters over the interview at the children’s ward. We found that the anxious matters
could be connected to a form of therapy called the Clinic Clown.
Q: Please tell us about your project as seen
in the Kaleidoscope Exhibition.
A: ”Portrait of Jitekijin” is a trinity project of ”heaven”, ”earth”
and ”people”. There is works, place (Uemachidaichi), and individuals. We
identified people who worked on the basis of social mission and personal
belief as ”Jitekijin ”-the word has nuances of the free-minded, sophisticated
and independent person. We set up a proposition to create each of our works
in inspiration of interaction with such personality. At first we had been
concerned over whether we could gain sympathy for this project, but as
it turned out, we rediscovered the fact that art is philosophy-aesthetics
hold the key to our social destiny. Honestly-simply. I feel quite happy
about this.
■Comment from coordinated Group(Outen Teramachi Clb)
Ms.Banno herself is a ”Jitekijin ”-a free-minded and sophisticated person
with a versatile career. Being active as an artist, she has also made theatrical
productions of ”living traditional ” in modern world, not simply as conservation.
In Noh, Kyogen, Bunraku…she works to open the door so that all generations
can enjoy traditional entertainment. She shows us that when people discard
their preconceived notions of traditional, they realize that the soul of
art which may seem far away is actually inside everybody. |